All of the heats & seeds for the Saturday, April 9 meet can be found at: 2016 DGS Girls Mustang Invite...
The meet line-up and worker assignments for the Saturday, April 9 Mustang Invitational can be found HERE. All team members...
The line up for our Wed, April 6 home meet vs DGN and York can be found HERE. If your...
Although the girls track & field season is really just one long 18 week season, there are definite dividing points...
On Saturday, March 27, fifteen members of the DGS girls track & field team traveled to Illinois Wesleyan University in...
Full meet results for the March 26, Illinois Top Times meet can be found HERE.
The Downers Grove South girls track & field team will be taking girls to compete in 12 events at the...
You can access pictures taken at the March 18th WSC Indoor Conference Championship (courtesy of Laura Duffy) on the Pictures...
The DGS girls track & field team won the WSC Gold Indoor title for the 12th straight season Friday night....
Individual DGS results from the Mar.18 WSC Gold Conference Indoor Championships can be found on the Schedule/Results page. On the schedule,...